
Animoto (no-filtering, middle, high, at least 13)

Animoto Features

Animoto: free version allows for unlimited videos at a limited length (30 seconds). If a teacher has issues creating an account, he/she may want to do so at home. The site allows a user to create a video slideshow from photos. Editing features include style, importing pics and videos from various locations, uploading music from your computer (remind students of copyright laws for uploading their own songs) or from their default gallery (please preview and preselect a handful of songs that students can choose from prior to project to avoid inappropriate content), and adding text. Once the video is completed, users have multiple options for posting and exporting (e.g. embed, facebook, youtube). The video takes a little while to process but is definitely worth the wait. Animoto also has a free iPhone app but it to requires users to create an account from an email address.

Note: Educators can apply for a free Animoto Plus account for use in the classroom. (see site for more details)

Please refer to student AUP’s before initiating a product that publishes student work, photos, or videos.

Classroom use: students can create a slideshow of a field trip, assemble photos for a book trailer, or take photos around campus or at home that highlight geometric figures or examples of math vocabulary in their world. (See more student examples)