
Pixton (filtering, parent-permission-required-under-18)

Pixton allows users to make a comic strip using many variables. The extensive array of editing capabilities makes this a diverse tools for those wishing to explore the world of comic presentation. Some classroom applications include introducing or reviewing a topic of study or maybe even test review.

Basic, free accounts are available for those of age (19 or older).

Here is an excerpt from the site’s terms of use:

Membership. You do not have to be a member of Pixton to enjoy some of the features of Pixton. In particular, Pixton users who are non-members may view some of the content on Pixton, as long as they comply with this agreement and our policies. However, members receive additional benefits, subject to our policies and rules from time-to-time. Currently the membership options and benefits are as follows:Basic Membership, also referred to as “Pixton Membership”.

Basic members can create, remix, publicly post, share, embed, rate comics; comment on comics and send private messages to other members (subject to privacy settings and parental controls); participate in contests; create a basic profile page; purchase and spend Pixton Credits; earn badges, points, levels, and Pixton Reward Credits; activate a content filter; plot fellow members on a world map; buy Pixton merchandise and custom merchandise. See http://www.pixton.com/basic for further information.

For those interested in pursuing the use of Pixton in the classroom, you may want to visit http://www.pixton.com/schools/overview to watch a demo and read about how other teachers have used the site to enhance their teaching.